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Fellowship is a crucial element in helping anyone or any organization leave poverty and attain to their fullest purpose.
Everyone needs to be in fellowship with our loving God who created us in order to learn our purpose in life, the gifts He put inside us, and how to relate to others around us. When we go the wrong way in life and do wrong things, we sever our fellowship with God. Jesus restores that fellowship.
Everyone also needs to be in fellowship with one another who are heading the right direction in life so we can grow together, benefit from each others’ strengths, and celebrate our victories together.
Church is a fellowship that helps us (including anyone in poverty) regain fellowship connection with God and with others. This Network of churches are those who seek to serve those who are hurting and restore fellowship on all areas of life.
Cornerstone Assistance Network as a whole is a fellowship that connects churches and other community care provider sectors to more effectively transform lives. We gather Network Partners together for training and serving, and gather at Monthly Luncheons and our Annual Network Dinner.